“What is your final destination?. I was asked upon entering Antiguan customs. “Montserrat”. I replied. While searching my bags the…
2022 Porsche Taycan 4 Cross Turismo Pros and Cons Review: Wag Swag?
What is all this fuss about? During the SUV of the Year competition last year, we didn’t like some of…
Magical Words to Change Your Personality
You must have seen some people who have a very charismatic personality and they are very popular. Everyone likes to…
Brooke Double R – Sports Car That Looks Like A Racer
Sneaking into the group of small but incredibly fast sports cars is the Brooke Double R. It was launched a…
115 Ways to Be Your Own Boss
(1) HAND DECORATING of ordinary objects pays well. Their value is often quadrupled. Prepared stencils and designs are available from…
The Power of the Mind: Reduce Your Fear of Public Speaking
An acquaintance told me a story recently about the public speaking experience that paralyzed her mentally for five years. As…
Holiday Destinations – Messinia – A Holiday Guide to the Messinia Peninsula
Messinia Messinia lays on the southern part of mainland Greece, now divided from the mainland by the Corinth Canal. The…
Chevrolet Beat Price, Review and Specifications
Chevrolet Beat, well who doesn’t know the name. Yes, the popular small car brand has recently launched the diesel variants…
Excuse Me, Are You Visiting or Have You Moved In? The Freeloader Nightmare
Shanty towns or squatter communities known as “Hooverville’s” during President Hoover’s term as President (or back in the day as…
10 Ways To Organise Your Car
We all know that between kids, shopping, work and gym, it is often a challenge to keep the car nice…